Implant Dental LabNobody wishes to have a toothless smile even the elderly demand a bright smile despite their age. One can get a dazzling smile through having a winning dental formula. To achieve nice-looking teeth, you must observe standard oral health. In contrast with the 21st century, most dentists shun away from the tradition of the tooth as the only solution.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant, also known as a fixture, is a metal pillar placed into the mandible surgically. When the implant is in place, the artificial custom-made-crown is mount in the apex of the outer piece. This technology has undergone revolution since its invention as explanation follows beneath.

But before diving to the evolution of implant, let’s take a look at what makes up a dental implant.

  • Dental implant root- this is a screw-like-object placed in the jawbone that anchors the artificial tooth.
  • The connector also called abutment- this is a screw like a connector joining the implant root and the artificial crown.
  • The crown- this is the outermost part of the implant, the color is usually the same as your natural teeth.

History of The Evolution of Implants

Evolution of implants dates from 600 A.D time which the Mayans family dentists did it as the pioneers. Notably, in the year 1931, Honduras, who was an archaeologist. Forwarded the findings that dental implant technology existed through a jawbone fossil. The remnant that belongs to a Mayan lady believed to be in her twenties. The remains Honduras found was a mandible containing tooth-like seashells. It had three roots implanted to the sockets which had teeth.

In 1970, a clarification emerged from an academic dental researcher. He concluded in his findings that the bone containing the seashells had grown. In a nutshell, the scholar found that the seashell, implant, functioned as a tooth. Probably, after the replacement of the original tooth while the lady was alive in her twenties.

In 1960, Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark, from Sweden, also called “the father of modern dental implantology.” The title was awarded to him while he was busy researching about bone healing. His research leads to the discovery that bone tissues bonds with, an implant, titanium as it heals. Also, the process is also called osseointegration.

The unearthing of osseointegration is the new dawn in the dental implantology. Dentists could restore bright smiles beyond teeth whitening for their patients. What a fortune to the toothless?

Types of Dental Implants

You may fulfill your curiosity about the types of implants available through an explanation below:

1. Endosteal implant- this is where titanium is implanted surgically directly to the jaw bone. After the gum tissues heal, there is second surgery conducted to attach a post to the original Jawbone firmly. Lastly, there is an attachment of the tooth placed on the post-individually on the denture.

Advantages: It is widely available all over the world.

The lifespan of the endosteal implant: Thirty years

Disadvantages: two surgery procedures must take place consuming more time.

2. Sub-periosteal implant- is a type of dental implant that is placed underneath the gum but above the jawbone.

Advantages: This type of implant is for patients with a weak jaw bone. Also, those who do not prefer a jawbone expansion surgical procedure for rebuilding.

Disadvantages: It is costly

The lifespan of Sub-periosteal implant: Thirty years under regular dental check-up.

Materials For Implants

1. Titanium implant- was first discovered in 1960 because it bonds with the bones fast during healing.

2. Titanium alloy- is an amalgam of metals and stronger in comparison to pure titanium.

3. Zirconia - is currently the best material to make dental implants. In fact, it is famous in the dentistry industry due to the hardness of the compound material.

Alternatives for Traditional Dental Implants

The wellness of a jawbone determines the best alternative to use and if the semi-permanent dental implants don’t suites the user.

Options are in variety and may include:

  • Temporary Immediate load dental implants. The so-called same-day-implants. These implants are to bring back the smile and clear pronunciations of words. So, if you have a strong jawbone to support the implants, these are meant for you.
  • Mini dental implants are much smaller than regular dental implants. They are best for those who don’t have the necessary bone mass to support a regular implant. They are usually placed to stabilize a lower denture.
  • The All-on-4 dental implants are anchored to avoid bone grafting. The All-on-4 dental implants is a technique to place four implants to provide the best stabilization for dentures.

The Latest of Implant Evolution

As the world is embracing technology, the dental technology is merging with artificial intelligence. Dentists are striving to perfect the art of placing dental implants. They aim to use less time and enhance accuracy in the implantology process. Lastly, they are focused on reducing the healing period to half the previous time.

Right now, dentists have come up with software and a three-dimensional-digital imaging tool. These essential tools will aid in conducting a surgical procedure in a simplified way. Also, the system tool helps in analyzing the anatomy of the patients' jaw. It is essential in the identification of the best implantation site before the surgical procedure begins.

Final thoughts, the evolution of implants has improved dramatically in the dental industry since the 1960’s. The inventory of techniques of endosteal and sub-periosteal have revolutionized the sector. Besides that, the materials of implants up to date continue to develop.