Dental ImplantsWhether as the result of an accident, and injury, or the process of decay, missing teeth can do more than leave behind a gap in what was once a cheery smile. Dental implants serve as a permanent solution for those missing teeth.

Today’s dental patient is going to be quite search-engine savvy, and will likely set about learning everything that they don’t feel their dentist covered when discussing dental implants. While an informed dental patient is one who will make the best thoughtful decision for his or her treatment, it’s often the better option for the patient to get detailed information from the dentist.

There are several points that patients should know about dental implants.

How much do dental implants cost?

The cost of dental implants is going to likely be one of the first concerns that any patient has. While having dental insurance coverage can help to cover some of the associated treatment costs, there is likely going to be a fair percentage of the procedure cost that will need to be paid out of pocket. Providing patients with a breakdown of what their costs will be, along with what they can expect insurance to cover, will help to reassure patients that they are making the right decision. Implants can be costly, there’s no doubt about that. However, there are financing and extended payment options that will work with every budget.

The better that a patient feels about the financial aspect of dental implants, the better they will feel about making the decision to get the implants.

What happens if dental implants are delayed?

It can be tempting for a patient to put off getting needed dental implants, for any number of reasons. It’s important that patients are informed about some of the potential concerns that they could face down the road if they neglect to replace that missing tooth. Shifting teeth, gum recession, and the potential for damage to previously otherwise healthy teeth are all just some of the concerns that patients should be made aware of. Putting off treatment today, even if for financial concerns, could lead to much costlier treatments in the future.

How do dental implants work?

Many patients may not be entirely certain what is involved in the dental implant procedure. The simplest explanation is often the best explanation. Dental implants are permanent artificial roots that offer support for the crown, or prosthetic tooth. They are made from bio-compatible materials, to include titanium and bone-like ceramic materials, that fuse with the bone in the jaw.

Dental implants are the better option over other tooth replacement solutions. They offer the same look and feel like natural teeth.

How long does it take to get dental implants?

Gone are the days of waiting months to get crowns made. Today’s technology allows dentists to send digital impressions to the lab so that the crowns can be made with precise accuracy. The implant procedure itself should take no longer than an hour. Once the gums have healed, and the implant fused to the bone in the jaw, the patient can then be fitted with the crown. A temporary crown is often placed over the implant so that the patient will still be able to smile with confidence.

How long do dental implants and crowns last?

The implant itself is a permanent addition to the jaw once it has fused to the bone. It will last a lifetime, without corrosion. The crown can potentially last just as long, with proper care. The patient should follow through with routine dental checkups, professional cleanings, and of course by maintaining a great oral hygiene routine.

The more informed that a patient is, the better decisions he or she can make about a treatment plan. Be sure to reassure patients about the benefits of getting an implant today.